Code-128 or Code-39 Images code 128 example

Here you can purchase sequences of either code-39 or code-128 images. These will be supplied to you in whichever format you prefer (Bitmap, Eps., Tiff, Jpeg, or PDF) via a shared drop box folder.

Please specify in the ‘additional information’ section (on the checkout page) what format (e.g. jpeg, code 128), size (e.g. 3cm wide x 2cm high) and sequence you would like – Something like 1000-1999 works well for a lot of 1000. The sequence can either by alpha-numeric, or numeric only. If you don’t specify which format you want we use Code 128 format as the default format.

Code 128 or Code 39 barcodes are used for library books, membership cards, vouchers, SKU codes, internal inventory tracking, etc.


Quantity    Price per image
1 $ 20.00 CAD
2 $ 17.00 CAD each
3 $ 14.00 CAD each
4 + $ 10.00 CAD each
10 + $ 6.00 CAD each
20 + $ 4.00 CAD each
50 + $ 2.00 CAD each

Code-128 or Code-39 Images

